Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Out Of Commission This Week

My youth and adult drawing classes at the NWA Community Creative Center / Walton Art Center that were scheduled to begin this Friday have been rescheduled to start next Friday, March 2.  I've been out of commission lately dealing with a painful hernia and hernia surgery (ugh).  Should be back on my feet and drawing again soon (I hope).  

Friday, February 17, 2012

Walton Art Center / NWA Community Creative Center Spring Classes

Starting next Friday I’ll be teaching an after school Basic Drawing class for Kids and an evening Basic Drawing class for adults (Fridays, Feb., 24-March 9).

Staring in April I’ll be teaching an after school Basic Acrylic painting class for Kids and an evening Basic Acrylic painting class for adults (Fridays, April 6-27).

Kids classes spring 2012
Drawing Basics For Kids
Instructor Sean Fitzgibbons
Ages 9- 15, 4 weeks, $65
Friday, 4-6
Feb., 24-March 9
This class will explore basic fundamentals of drawing through a series of fun and informative drawing exercises. All supplies provides except a: personal sketch book (9x12)
For registration information visit them on the web at

Fabulous Acrylic Painting for Kids
Instructor: Sean Fitzgibbon
Ages 9-15, 4 weeks, $65
Friday, 4-6
April 6-April 27
Acrylic paintings. Sean will work with kids to give basic instruction in the use of acrylics: how to start, organize the image and put on the finishing touches.
For registration information visit them on the web at

Adult classes 2012 spring
Basic Drawing and more
Instructor: Sean Fitzgibbon
4 weeks, $75, all supplies included
Fridays, 7-9pm
Feb. 24-March 18
Students will develop proficiency with a variety of materials and methods and gain a fuller understanding of the basic fundamentals of drawing through a series of activities.
For registration information visit them on the web at

Basic Acrylic painting
Instructor; Sean Fitzgibbon
4 weeks, $65
Fridays, 7-9
April 6-27, 
Acrylic paintings can ranges from intense color to light washes. Ease of clean-up and fast drying times make this medium one of the most popular to work with. Sean will work with beginners and intermediates to give basic instruction in the use of acrylics: how to start, organize the image and put on the finishing touches.
For registration information visit them on the web at

Friday, February 10, 2012

Narrative Art Drawing At ESSA

The 2012 calendar is filling up fast!  I'll be teaching a five day Narrative Art course August 6-10 for all levels ages 18 and up at ESSA (Eureka Springs School of the Arts).  I'm posting this extremely early because those who register before March 2 receive a $50 discount on this 5 day workshop.  

This week long class is designed to give an overview of basic drawing and the narrative art medium. We will work in industry sizes and specs, covering a wide variety of narrative approaches from documentary to slice of life stories. Students will work in a variety of media as well. Set-ups, timing, props, choice of shot, and character development are all emphasized.

5-Day Workshop (9am-4pm) / Tuition: $275 / Material List will be provided.
For more information call: 479.253.5384 /
For a PDF of 2012 workshops at ESSA click here.  

Friday, February 3, 2012


It's been an extremely busy week and I thought I'd take a little break from my work and share a couple more resources available for fellow artists and illustrators.  One resource I highly recommend is  This site posts forums, galleries of artists work, events, schools, workshop info, chat rooms and industry job info.  Another great resource is  This site is a social network for professionals in Animation, Film, Visual Effects, Games, Illustration, Concept Art and more.  One more I'd like to mention is ConceptArtWorld.  This site also features artists work as well as different studios, news, training info and books available. 
These are a few of the fantastic resources available and I recommend checking them out!