Thursday, December 29, 2011
Teen Classes
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Escape From Illustration Island

Thursday, December 8, 2011
PSU Exhibition Images
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
NWA Community Creative Center: Holiday Bazaar
These two colorful pieces entitled Menagerie (17x17.5) and Menagerie II (12.5x22) will be available at the fourth annual NWA Community Creative Center's Holiday Art Bazaar Saturday, December 3 from 10 am - 4pm and Sunday, December 4 from Noon - 4pm.
Both framed, mixed media pieces are composed of acrylic, colored pencil and solvent transfer on watercolor paper.
Both framed, mixed media pieces are composed of acrylic, colored pencil and solvent transfer on watercolor paper.
Undergound: Art For the Holidays III
This colorful piece will be available at the Fayetteville Underground: December Art for the Holidays exhibition December 1st. This piece is one of my box style frame formats. These box style frames are hand made out of poplar wood with a black satin finish. These 2 inch deep frames can hang from a wall or sit on a shelf, desk, end table or any flat surface.
Gallery hours are Wednesday through Friday, 12 to 7 p.m. and Saturday 10 to 5 p.m. Additionally, there will be extended shopping hours on Friday, December 2, until 10 p.m., and on Sunday, December 4 from 11 a.m. to 5p.m.
Gallery hours are Wednesday through Friday, 12 to 7 p.m. and Saturday 10 to 5 p.m. Additionally, there will be extended shopping hours on Friday, December 2, until 10 p.m., and on Sunday, December 4 from 11 a.m. to 5p.m.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Crystal Bridges Interactive Touch Exhibit Continued
December Art for the Holidays III
On First Thursday, December 1st I'll be displaying work along with the artists of the Fayetteville
Underground to celebrate the opening of their third annual Art for the
Holidays exhibition.
Gallery hours are Wednesday through
Friday, 12 to 7 p.m. and Saturday 10 to 5 p.m. Additionally, there will be
extended shopping hours on Friday, December 2, until 10 p.m., and on Sunday,
December 4 from 11 a.m. to 5p.m.
"In conjunction with First Thursday, from 5
to 8 p.m., a fundraiser for the Fayetteville Art Alliance will be hosted by
local artists, Kathy Thompson and Cindy Arsaga at their studio, located at 3 E.
Mountain Street. Community members are invited to stop by for food, drinks, and
to share in the holiday spirit, as they raise funds for our new community art
"This will be the final exhibition at the current
Fayetteville Underground location. The community is encouraged to stay involved
with the organization, as the artists move to their new home and resurface as
the Fayetteville Art Alliance in January 2012. To learn more about the new
organization and how you can help please visit"
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Pittsburg State University Gallery Solo Exhibit

Just a quick reminder I'll be exhibiting work at the Pittsburg State University Gallery from November 25, 2011 thru January 19, 2012. I'll be giving a public artist lecture on January 19th, 2012 at 2:00 pm in Room 103 at Porter Hall. Reception time: TBA. The gallery hours are M-F 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For more information contact Gallery Director, S. Portico Bowman at: (620)235-4305 or visit them on the web at
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
NWACCC Holiday Art Bazaar
Give the gift of art this holiday season. Be sure to check out the
fourth annual NWA Community Creative Center's Holiday Art Bazaar Saturday,
December 3 from 10 am - 4pm and Sunday, December 4 from Noon - 4pm. I'll
have two pieces available for purchase. All procedes go to providing
scholarships for underserved kids and adults.
Friday, November 11, 2011

Today Crystal Bridges opens. If you're among the first to explore this new American Art Museum, be sure to check out the Experience Art Studio. I was fortunate to be asked to contribute pieces to Touch, the interactive painting exhibit. Here's a Channel 5 news story on the experience gallery that gives a sneak preview of the gallery and the train images I painted.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Art News / Comic Relief
Here is a great article in the recent issue of Art News about how "the boundary between fine art and graphic novels has grown increasingly porous."
Here is a great article in the recent issue of Art News about how "the boundary between fine art and graphic novels has grown increasingly porous."
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"The overall tone of the novel is dark and quite frightening....the stories are interesting and sickening at the same time..... well written and illustrated with nods to social abuse, murder and
revenge....." -David Holloway: MouthLondon UK
Check out what critics are saying about DomestiCATed in the UK
at Mouth London.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Be sure to order your copy of my graphic novel DomestiCATed: Paths Once Crossed now available thru Amazon at

Special thanks to Paze Publishing.
Also, be sure to check out the companion site to my graphic novel DomestiCATed: Paths Once Crossed. This site is updated regularly with information regarding this graphic novel such as purchasing original pages or signed copies of the book. Also info on the production of the book as well as influences.
Monday, November 7, 2011
DomestiCATed: Paths Once Crossed
Be sure to check out the companion site to my graphic novel DomestiCATed: Paths Once Crossed. This site is updated regularly with information regarding this graphic novel.
Be sure to check out the companion site to my graphic novel DomestiCATed: Paths Once Crossed. This site is updated regularly with information regarding this graphic novel.

Just like to thank Steven (Brent) Douglass and everyone at River City Comic Expo for having us out. Also great seeing our friends Dusty Higgins (SGL: Publishing Pinocchio The Vampire Slayer), Mitch and Elizabeth Breitweiser (Marvel Comics: Captain America, Hulk) and of course What Follows Is True co-creator Kevin Brown (Death Roll, Ink On Wood).
Thanks to everyone who picked up a copy of my book DomestiCATed: Paths Once Crossed. If you weren't able to make it out the book is available thru Amazon at
or thru iTunes at
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Many Thanks!
Just like to thank Martha Guirl-Phillips, Geoffery Stark, Timothy Nutt, Carolyn Henderson Allen, Jennifer Rae Hartman and all the fine folks at the University of Arkansas, Mullins Library for exhibiting my work.
If you missed this exhibit, I'll be exhibiting work later this month at Pittsburg State University in the PSU University Gallery. That exhibition will run thru January. I'll have more info on that soon.
Friday, November 4, 2011

Just a quick reminder that we'll be signing books this weekend and discussing the up and coming documentary graphic novel at the River City Comic Expo. For more info please visit
Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011

Be sure to check out the What Follows Is True website at This is a companion site to our upcoming illustrated documentary graphic novel. Here you can access info about the production of the book, view sample pages in production, read about the creators and see video interviews relating to the book, also read about the Crescent Hotel: History and Legend. Also be sure to check out this site for upcoming talks and other related events. Please visit the earlier posts dating back to February of 2011. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hey, let's draw some monsters. On Saturday, October 29 from 2-5pm I'll be teaching a Drawing Comics Class for teens at the Springdale Public Library just in time for Halloween! The event is in conjunction with the Library, Teen Program's CAMGO Club. Materials will be provided!
Contact Sharon Christian at 479.750.8180 or at For more information, check them out on the web at
The image provided is taken from my 2001 adaptation of the B-film The Horror of Party Beach. To see more sample pages from this book visit
Friday, October 7, 2011

Most of my time lately has been spent working on commission projects and research for this documentary graphic novel. Working on historical projects involves a process that is much like communing with the dead. It seems that I've spent more time in the last few years with people that are no longer living than with those that are. When my head isn't buried in my sketchbook, it's buried in old newspaper obituaries, articles, criminal records, microfiche, and cemeteries locating graves of people that are found in this particular book.
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Be sure to join us for the River City Comic Expo November 5, 2011. I'll be discussing my up and coming documentary graphic novel What Follows Is True: Crescent: The Baker Years as well as signing copies of my book DomestiCATed: Paths Once Crossed. The Expo will be at 1111 West Maryland Ave. Sherwood, AR (near Little Rock). For more info please visit the Convention Scene at
Friday, September 23, 2011

November 25, 2011 thru January 19, 2012 I'll be exhibiting work at the Pittsburg State University's University Gallery. I'll be giving a public artist lecture on 19th, 2012 along with the reception: time TBA. The exhibit will feature works created within the last couple of years. Special thanks to PSU Gallery Director and Associate Professor of Art S. Portico Bowman, M.F.A.
I've attached a copy of the 2011 PSU Fall Semester Art Exhibition newsletter. For more information, check them out on the web at
Saturday, September 17, 2011
University of Arkansas Online Gallery
Be sure to check some of my work on display at the University of Arkansas Library online gallery at .
Be sure to check some of my work on display at the University of Arkansas Library online gallery at
Friday, September 16, 2011

The second annual Art D'vine fundraiser to benefit the NWA Community Creative Center is set for September 23 at the home of Hershey and Denise Garner. There will be a silent auction of unique gifts from the community, live music, hors d'oeuvres, beer, and wine. I'll be donating an 8x10 solvent transfer, drawing entitled Florence. This small work was created while in Florence, Italy.
Tickets for this event are $50 per person and are available through the Walton Art Center or at the door: 479-443-5600 or
Friday, September 9, 2011

The fall calendar is filling up. I'll be heading to MO and signing copies of my graphic novel domestiCATed: paths once crossed at the Joplin Hastings this Saturday, 9/10/11 from 1pm-4pm.
Also, join us at River City Comic Expo in at 1111 West Maryland Ave Sherwood, AR (near Little Rock). I'll be there November 5, 2011signing copies of my book there from 10am-6pm.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Magazine Article Profile
Just like to thank Scott Meeker for helping get the word out about my book signing at the Joplin, MO Hastings and for the great write up in the August 2011 issue of Joplin Metro Magazine. Here are just a few excerpts from that article.
"Words, on their own, have power. As do pictures. But it's the intersection of art and story that captures Sean Fitzgibbon's imagination. "I've always been interested in sequential art being able to tell a story through visual images."
The three short stories in the graphic novel DomestiCATed (the latter a reworking of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Black Cat") are linked together by a roving feline that moves through them.
"I've always been inspired by old episodes of The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents." he said. "I love anthologies and that format-fun stories with lots of twists. I called this book DomestiCATed because the black cat guides the reader through the dark underbelly of human existence. They have a domestic setting with these very troubled relationships."
"He said he enjoys working in other artistic mediums-particualarly painted acrylics and works done with pen and ink- and shows in galleries around the country. But he's always found himself drawn back to using images to convey a narrative."
"DomestiCATed, is not Fitzgibbon's only foray into the world of graphic novels. He's seen interest in another work entitled "Small Wonders" (the first issue of which is available online at, and he's spent much of his recent efforts developing What Follows is True" Crescent: The Baker Years. It tells the strange but true story of Eureka Springs' Crescent Hotel and Norman Baker, who purchased it in the 1930's.
"Fitzgibbon said that Baker was a vaudeville magician turned inventor, turned radio host then turned medical doctor....never mind the fact that he had no medical training whatsoever. "He was a fraud, " said Fitzgibbon. "It's a bizarre story. He went around saying that he had the cure for cancer. A lot of people put their faith in Baker. But it wasn't until a while later that people started noticing that there weren't very many healthy patients walking the grounds."
I'd also like to thank Kevin McClintock and Carol Stark.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow
Recently I was awarded a residency at The Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow in Eureka Springs, AR to conduct further research for my documentary graphic novel currently in development. This was a fantastic opportunity to conduct interviews and compile more research. Thanks to Mary Jo Rose and all the Dairy Hollow staff, Carol Cooper, Lynn Jacobs, Keith Scales, Rebecca J. Becker, June Westphal, John Cross, the Eureka Springs History Museum staff, Crescent Hotel staff, Eureka Springs Public Library, and everyone in Eureka that has contributed information for this project.
"The Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow is a unique residency program for writers, artists, composers, architects, and chefs in the historic arts village of Eureka Springs, AR."
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Two-Dimensional Design and Advanced Drawing
This fall semester I'll be teaching two courses at NWACC on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Sean Fitzgibbon 2pm-4:45pm Fall 2011 I CRN 12172
Course DescriptionOne-semester course covering the basics of Two-Dimensional Design through a series of drawing, collage and painting activities.
Course Objective: Gain a fuller understanding of the basic elements of two-dimensional design through a series of activities exploring line, shape, value, texture and color. Analyze uses of two-dimensional composition in fine art and design. Develop technical proficiencies.
Sean Fitzgibbon I T TH 6:00-8:45 Fall 2011 I CRN 11513
Course Description:Further exploration of drawing techniques with emphasis on experimentation and interpretation.
Prerequisites: ART 1303(Introduction to drawing) or consent of instructor.
This fall semester I'll be teaching two courses at NWACC on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Sean Fitzgibbon 2pm-4:45pm Fall 2011 I CRN 12172
Course DescriptionOne-semester course covering the basics of Two-Dimensional Design through a series of drawing, collage and painting activities.
Course Objective: Gain a fuller understanding of the basic elements of two-dimensional design through a series of activities exploring line, shape, value, texture and color. Analyze uses of two-dimensional composition in fine art and design. Develop technical proficiencies.
Sean Fitzgibbon I T TH 6:00-8:45 Fall 2011 I CRN 11513
Course Description:Further exploration of drawing techniques with emphasis on experimentation and interpretation.
Prerequisites: ART 1303(Introduction to drawing) or consent of instructor.
Friday, August 12, 2011

Drawing Comics and Manga For Kids!
Instructor: Sean Fitzgibbon
Ages 10-18
Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00 pm
September 7 - October 26
Students will learn basic drawing fundamental techniques while creating their own fantastic characters and short comic stories. We will work with industry sizes and materials.
For more information call (479)751-5579 or visit them on the web at

Fall Classes at NWA Community Creative Center
Adult Drawing Fundamentals
Instructor: Sean Fitzgibbon
6 weeks $89
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm
September 21-October 19
I hope you can join us this fall. In this class, students will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of drawing through a series of activities designed to develop proficiency with a variety of materials. All supplies provided, except 9x12 inch sketchbook.
For more information, check them out on the web at or call (479)927-2491.
Drawing Basics For Kids
Instructor: Sean Fitzgibbon
6 weeks $95
Fridays, 4-6 pm
September 23-October 28
This class will explore basic fundamentals of drawing through a series of fun and informative drawing exercises. All supplies provided, except 9x12 inch sketchbook.
For more information, check them out on the web at or call (479)927-2491..
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Crescent: The Baker Years
In Production
Much of my time lately has been spent on the production of this documentary graphic novel. I thought I'd take the next few weeks to explain a bit of the process that has gone into this project. I first became interested in this story a while back while staying at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, AR after going on an evening ghost tour. Among the stories of hauntings were accounts of ghostly nurses pushing patients in wheelchairs through the halls late at night. My first thought was why would many of the alleged ghosts be of medical staff and patients wandering a hotel's hallways? And my question was quickly answered when the tour guide began telling the story of Norman Baker, a fraudulent "doctor" who turned the hotel into a cancer clinic in the late 1930's. I found the story to be too unbelievable to be true. Skeptical, I ventured to the local library the next morning and learned that Baker and the cancer hospital were accurate points in Eureka's history. However, I was surprised to find that there were not any definitive books documenting these years of the Crescent's sorted history.
I decided to take on the project, and after exhausting the library of its resources, I began visiting the town's historical museum. I made copy after copy of old photos, microfiche, books, newspapers, magazines, letters, and any other related documents I could get my hands on. I scoured historical databases and interviewed people both face to face and by phone that have ties to the hotel and even Norman Baker himself. I spent much time at the hotel, doing sketches, shooting pictures and interviewing employees. I've recently been awarded a residency at Dairy Hollow Writers' Colony to conduct research and work on this project for and extended time in Eureka Springs. I'll explain more about the process from research to final work in upcoming posts.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Exhibition at University of AR: Mullins LIbrary
Thru October and September 2011, I'll be featuring works at University of Arkansas: Mullins Library. An online exhibit will be available along with the physical space. Mullins Library is the main library facility on the University of Arkansas campus.
Special thanks to Assistant Head of Special Collections and Manuscripts and Rare Books Librarian, Timothy G. Nutt, C.A. For more information, contact the library at (479)575-4104 or call toll-free at (866)818-8115.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Special Thanks
Just like to thank Sally Armstrong, Tom Jones, and all the fine folks at Art Central for another successful art camp. For more information please check out Andrea Bryan Stefanoni's newspaper article at fosters-creative-environment .
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Comics and Manga Classes at NWACCC (Nadine Baum Studios)
Ages: 12 and up
July 25-29, 9:00-11:30
I'll be teaching Comics and Manga at Nadine Baum Studios. Students will explore the world of Western and Asian comic book storytelling and then create their own fantastic stories in comic form.
NWACCC is a non-profit organization enjoying the wonderful, spacious classrooms at Walton Arts Center's Nadine Baum Studios and was established in 2007.
They are located at 505 West Spring Street in Fayetteville, AR.

Monday, July 18th will be Create Your Own Comic or Manga(Japanese style comics) Character! Tuesday the 19th will be Drawing Animals and Fantastic Creatures! Wednesday the 19th will be Going Graphic: Comics and Manga! On that day we will be telling fantastic stories like the pros with our created characters in comic format and learning fundamental drawing techniques along the way. Classes will run from 9am to 3pm each day. It's going to be a fun and informative three days so if your kids enjoy drawing and you are near Carthage, MO sign up and let's draw this summer!
Art Central is located at 1110 East 13th Street, Carthage, MO 64836. For more information contact Sally Armstrong at (417)358-4404.
Monday, July 11, 2011

In much of my drawings and paintings I incorporate old mannequins, statues, or antique dolls. It's a theme that I explore often. One reason is because they don't move when I'm drawing them. Another reason is that I'm drawn towards capturing in my art, figures suspended in eras not their own and blurring the line between living and inanimate.
About a year and a half ago I was told by a good friend to check out this eerie, animated film short entitled Alma directed by Rodrigo Blass. They thought I would like it. They were absolutely right. It is fantastic and I recommend it. I often tell strange stories with my art and this is a story I would love to have told. Check it out at
Friday, July 8, 2011

Exhibit at Shewmaker Center
Some of my recent work will be on display thru July and August 2011 at the Shewmaker Center for Global Business Development at Northwest Arkansas Community College. The Shewmaker Center is located at 900 S.E. Eagle Way, Bentonville, AR 72712. For more information contact (479) 636-9222.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Kids Classes at Art Central
This July I'll be heading to my home state of Missouri to teach a series of three day classes for kids at Art Central in Carthage, MO. Monday, July 18th will be Create Your Own Comic or Manga (Japanese style comics) Character! Tuesday the 19th will be Drawing Animals and Fantastic Creatures! Wednesday the 19th will be Going Graphic: Comics and Manga! On that day we will be telling fantastic stories like the pros with our created characters in comic format and learning fundamental drawing techniques along the way. Classes will run from 9am to 3pm each day. It's going to be a fun and informative three days so if your kids enjoy drawing and you are near Carthage, MO sign up and let's draw this summer!
The drawings of the chameleon (top right) and the bird (bottom middle) are students' works.
Art Central is located at 1110 East 13th Street, Carthage, MO 64836. For more information contact Sally Armstrong at (417)358-4404.
Thursday, June 23, 2011

This upcoming documentary graphic novel entitled What Follows is True: Crescent - The Baker Years chronicles the years 1938 and 1939 of the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, AR. A man, Norman Baker, claiming to have the cure to cancer converted the hotel into a cancer clinic.
What took place during those two years is unbelievable.
I've been researching this book for the last five years. My wife and I recently traveled to Baker's hometown of Muscatine, IA, to conduct more research. I've conducted interviews with local historians and librarians and scoured numerous special collections and databases. The information found has shed light on this highly controversial figure and taken this true story to dark places I never even anticipated.
These images are of drawings and page layouts for this book as well as research conducted at the Musser Library and Muscatine Arts Center in Muscatine, IA. I've conducted an exhaustive amount of research and we'd like to thanks to Sheila Chaudoin, Fred Kopp, Virginia Cooper and all the fine folks at the Musser Library, the Muscatine Art Center, and Greenwood Cemetery for their help.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Create Your Own Art Books
Join us this summer. I'll be teaching a Create Your Own Art Books class at NWACCC (Nadine Baum Studios) from July 11-14 from 9-11:30 a.m. for ages 12+. Students will blend collage and text to create their own striking and colorful art journal. They will learn about layering and working with various media and type as a graphic element. For more information please contact Susan Hutchcroft at 479-927-2491.
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Comics And Manga Classes For Kids!
This summer I'll be teaching kids Comics and Manga classes at NorthWest Arkansas Community Creative Center (Nadine Baum Studios) and ACO.
ACO Comics and Manga Class For Kids!
Ages 10-18
July 5-8
9:00 am - 11:30 am
For more information call (479)751-5579
or visit them on the web at
NWACCC Comics and Manga Class For Kids!
Ages 12+
July 25-29
9:00 am - 11:30 am
For more information call (479)927-2491
or visit them on the web at
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